Welcome to CiduxNetwork
Welcome to CiduxNetwork! We are dedicated to giving the best service to the customer/clients.
Our History
Founded in 2015 in High School.
- Around April 16, 2015: We started with the name BroadCastNetwork when we were in high school, two guys named Nathan Sopko and Corbyn Bobinski. We started with a small website and a home TeamSpeak 3 server.
- 2016-2017: Then the name came up as CiduxNetwork because Nathan's username was CiduxHD and we always like using the network so we got CiduxNetwork & had the domain Ciduxnetwork.com.
- May 09, 2025: The Domain CiduxNetwork.US was registered.
Our commitment to innovation and excellence has been the driving force behind our success. We continue to push the boundaries of technology to deliver the best networking solutions to our clients.